Adoption stories

Our adopters share their stories of how they became parents to children who were waiting for their forever families.

Oliver and Ben adopted two children through two local agencies

We grew up under section 28 and its erasure and misinformation about LGBTQ people, and the harm we felt it did to public perception of two men raising a child. This made us feel like the adoption process might be harder because of our sexuality. This couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Read Oliver and Ben’s story >>


Jenny and Carl chose to adopt an older sibling group of 2 brothers

“Something during assessment clicked and we felt we wanted to help keep siblings together and offer a home to an older pair of children who sometimes get left in the care system. This, combined with our ages and previous childcare experience, felt like the right route to take."

Read Jenny and Carl’s story >>

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Two guys, three social workers and two amazing little babies

It sounds like a title of a movie! It is an epic take of how Michael and Jamie went through the adoption process and ended up with two amazing babies.

Read Michael and Jamies story >>

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We wanted to keep siblings together

Hear from Kirsty and Ian, who came to adoption after a long journey with infertility, IVF and miscarriage. After the assessment process, panel and introductions, their boys (then 4 and 5) finally came home; seven months later they were legally their boys following the court process. 

Read Kirsty and Ian’s story >>


Adoption; from babies to teens

It was 2004 when my husband and I first began our journey into an unknown world of adoption.

We both had always had a strong sense of family and so always wanted children; unfortunately, in this life, you don’t always get what you want and so different paths needed to be taken. For us, that path was to be adoption.

Read Lena and Michael’s story >>